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Plastic Free

Laundry Room


As you can see there can be plastic in everyday life in every room in our homes. 

Plastic is even showing up in our laundry rooms. 




Refill your soap or detergent in a reusable jar

Buy detergent in paper bags or in a cardboard box, ie:  Ecover Laundry Powder

Invest in Soap Nuts – ie Econunts

Create DIY laundry soap

Hand wash your clothes the old way with a bar of soap and water.




*to save energy, hang dry your clothes on a metal wire with wood clips or on a wood or metal clothes drying rack

*switch from toxic dryer sheets (yes toxic to ourselves, our clothes, your dryer, your home and the environment) to natural dryer balls.  Dryer balls are used the same way as dryer sheets and work way better.  As well, dryer balls are known to shorten your dryer time which means saving more energy!  Dryer balls can be made from all natural materials (such as wool) and essential oils can be added to them to leave a fresh scent on your clean clothes. OR you could make a DIY dryer packet made from linen and filled with your favourite herbs such as lavender to freshen your clothes.




Skip the plastic hamper and switch to a canvas hamper with or without a wood or metal frame


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