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Fast Food

The biggest contributor to waste floating in the oceans and street litter!



Clean Water Action (CWA) states that 49% of the litter in the world is from fast food

The top five fast food culprits are: 


Burger King

Seven Eleven




According to CWA’s findings, up to 31% of trash could be eliminated by using reusable alternatives.



So, what does this mean? 

If you are eating fast food, try to avoid the plastic wrap, container or take out bags they almost always give you.  It never hurts to ask them to not wrap your food and to pass it to you in the least amount of wrapping or in recyclable wrapping such as paper.  Also, avoid the plastic straw and lid.


Dining in - use your reusable cup to fill up your beverage and if you are needing a straw bring your own straw.
















Alright Winnipeg…

We are the Slurpee capital of the World! 

18 years in a row and counting. Did you know the inner lining of Slurpee cups contain plastic or are entirely plastic?  So, I challenge you to do your Slurpee plastic free.  How can I do this you may ask… Bring your reusable cup (or purchase a Slurpee specific reusable cup) and know there ARE reusable Slurpee straws on the market and use them!!


Starbucks has reusable plates and cups; however they will not give them out freely.  You must ask for them. Therefore, save a cup, lid, stir stick or straw and eat in and ask for a mug and plate.


Overall, try to avoid eating fast food.  If you cannot, at least decrease the amount of fast food you consume and try to decrease the amount of one-time use plastic and fast food garbage waste that is created by eating out.


Also, let the companies know that a change must occur for the items to either be more recyclable, or to allow more reusable items!

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