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If it is going from your house to a picnic or driving around running errands to a road trip or travelling across the world, you don’t have to leave your plastic free lifestyle behind.  Do your very best to bring your habits with you!


Many parts of the world have water advisories.  Instead of purchasing a few bottles of water each day opt in for a Life Straw.  Although the life straw is plastic, it cuts down on the number of plastic bottles and it filters the water for you as you drink.


  • Skip the headphones, bring your own

  • Bring your own pillow on the flights (did you know airplane pillows are trashed at the end of the flight!)

  • Ziplock for liquid bottles.  If you are carrying liquid bottles on the plane you cannot escape the plastic see-through container that security requires so when you are done travelling store the ziplock in your suitcase for future travels instead of using a new one each trip.


Free shampoos and soaps from hotels are a big part of plastic waste.  These little containers used mainly only once or for a portion of your trip end up in the garbage


  1. Reusable Bottle

  2. Travel Mug

  3. Utensils

  4. Metal Straw

  5. Napkin or handkerchief (wrap your cutlery and straw in it)

  6. Snack container

  7. Bring your own Bag

  8. Shower Bar Soap and Shampoo

  9. Bring your own Lotion

  10. Reusable Bamboo Toothbrush and Toothpaste Tabs

  11. Head phones

  12. Skip travel size items

© 2017 Plastic Free Peg

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