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Disposable diapers are bad for the environment and mother earth.

Thus, switch over to a more sustainable, plastic free option:


Diaper Free


Cloth Diapers

Instead of disposable diapers, switch to reusable cloth diapers.  Though you may be using water, diaper after diaper will not end up in the waste basket.


Biodegradable Diapers
  • Nature Baby Care

  • Seventh Generation

  • Naty


Hybrid Diaper
  • Cloth diaper with a washable or biodegradable liner

Swimming Diapers

Instead of using disposable swimming diapers, pick a reusable one.

Tiny Tree Hugger Canada have great options and brands.


Cloth Wipes

Instead of using wipes, use wet wash cloths for baby's bum.  Not only is it plastic free but it is not filled with the chemicals that many of the disposable wipes out there have.



  • Breastfeeding is 100% plastic free and natural

  • For some babies and mothers, breastfeeding is not an option, an alternative to breast feeding is bottle feeding.  To go plastic free with bottle feeding use glass bottles with silicone nipples.


For plastic free Sippy Cups and Bottle Brands such as:

  • Klean Kanteen Sippy Cups

  • Pura Kiki Stainless Steel Bottles with interchangeable drinking parts: nipple, sippy, straw and silicone lids

  • Born Free Glass Bottles


If time permits, making your own baby food is by far the best plastic free option.  You can always make a lot of food and portion size in ice trays and the place in freezable non-plastic containers for future use.


Glass jar foods unfortunately may contain lids that are lined with BPA – if buying glass jar baby food ensure it is BPA free.


On the go: Buy baby food pouches in plastic that is recyclable and remember to recycle once they are finished.

Brands such as: Earth’s Best, Ella’s Kitchen and GoGo squeeze are in recyclable plastic.


Opt out of the plastic cutlery and choose metal utensils or bamboo. Switch from plastic plates to metal, glass or silicone plates. Yes this may seem like a bad idea however if you are worried about your beautiful dishes and cutlery being broken, pick up some from a second hand store.

Quality over Quantity

From car seats to strollers, it is hard to go completely plastic free with your babies.

Children’s toys contain so much plastic from the packaging to the toys – to help limit new plastic, buy used plastic toys.


OR go old school with fabric or wood items. Natural wood is the best option of wood toys as they are not painted with chemicals to preserve the wood.


Plastic is in our world and you or your child may get a gift that contains plastic.  Remember to either use it, enjoy it, donate It and/or recycle it.




Consider all the previous posts. Theme refillable container and/or no plastic container.

A natural organic plastic free brand for baby bath time is: Baby Bear Shop!




A Winnipeg Company has gone plastic free with their reusable cloth products for both Mommy and Baby!

  • Reusable Nipple Pad Covers

  • Custom Cloth Diaper Bags

  • Receiving Blanks

  • Breeze Bums

  • Cloth Wipes



A brief disclaimer, I am not a mother, however I am an auntie to seven wonderful nephews and nieces. My hope is just to spread awareness about the amount of plastic and share alternatives to the plastic that is so convenient. Realistically, children on certain days can be somewhat fussy or difficult and we do our very best to do whatever makes the little ones happy, and that may include plastic. Also, I want to acknowledge that eco-friendly options are often more expensive than plastic but any bit counts for the environment and for your baby.


I want you to know, you are doing your very best as a parent to raise the next generation and we are so grateful for your hard work and time you spent into raising the growing souls.  Thank you to the wonderful parents out there and the ones reading this post with an open mind.

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