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Making your own cleaning supplies is good for the environment in more ways than one. Not only does it help reduce plastic waste, but it also reduces the introduction of harmful chemicals into our environment.


All you need is some white vinegar, baking soda, and optional lemon juice or essential oil!


Cleaning your home doesn’t have to be wasteful, complicated, or mean spraying harsh chemicals all over surfaces that are then absorbed into your body. Yikes!


Instead, ditch the assortment of plastic bottles under your sink for some water, white vinegar (from a glass container if possible, of course), baking soda, and optional essential oil. Use an equal mixture of water and vinegar with a few drops of essential oil to clean your floor and any surface in your kitchen or bathroom, including the mirror!  Newspaper or flyers are a streak free alternative to cleaning your mirrors as well.


For mold, soap scum or build up in your sinks: simply sprinkle with baking soda, soak a rag in vinegar and scrub! Scrubbing with baking soda will also remove stubborn toilet stains.


Plastic-free pro-tip: instead of using synthetic sponges and microfiber rags (which are actually plastic!), opt for cloth rags! You can even cut up old t-shirts to make rags instead of purchasing new ones.

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